Anders Wiberg Olsen

About Me

My name is Anders Wiberg Olsen. I am currently 22 years old and I love technology.

I live in Denmark, where I am currently studying Software Technology at Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

I have been fascinated by technology my whole life. As a kid I started learning HTML, vbscript and batch. At that time, I just loved how I could automate things. Other than that, I have been playing and producing music. I play the piano as my primary instrument, but can also play guitar and drums. I have produced quite a bit of electronic dance music (primarily house). Furthermore, I have a big interest in photography, and have also been working voluntarily as a press photographer at Roskilde Festival.

At DTU I have become the president of the local radio, broadcasting radio on FM and the internet.


I am primarily a self-taught programmer. I started programming as a kid, making small HTML websites. Then progressed to Visual Basic. When I knew that language fairly well, I started learning C#, Java, C++, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Bash. I have experience working as a System Administrator at SoftBASE A/S, working with Cisco ASA routers, Linux Servers, Windows Servers, Oracle RESTful Services, Oracle Forms and Reports and a lot of other Oracle stuff.

One day I decided that I wanted to become a game developer, so I started learning GameMaker. Then later Unity3D at Unreal Engine.

I then started making a lot of web applications and got a taste for making RESTful API’s and Progressive Web Applications. I have been working with .NET core (C#), Jersey (Java), vue.js (JavaScript), Aurelia (TypeScript), Laravel 5 (PHP) and a lot of other things.

Additionally, I have a lot of experience with microservices in Docker, Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. At my current occupation at Nexta, I administrate a lot of services hosted in Microsoft Azure, and integrate our web application to Azure Active Directory.